
Hush, Hush

The world of Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick is a world where fallen angels walk and Nephilim play. Following the legendary "Book of Enoch"-a book of the bible not incorporated-which talks about the fall of Lucifer and his followers, a group of power-hungry angels known only as the Fallen. Fitzpatrick brings this world to life for us, giving us a hilarious, romantic thriller featuring a young Nora Grey and fallen angel, Patch Cipriano.

Nora is a sixteen-year-old high school student who seems to have a pretty okay life. Though her father was murdered and her mother works mostly away from home, Nora's doing fine until her biology teacher decides to change up their partners. No longer beside her friend Vee, Nora gets partnered with the ever-silent Patch Cipriano who makes it his duty to verbalise his attraction for Nora, who protests everything about him until their partnership requires them to spend a little bit too much time together. Nora's affections for Patch begin to blossom just as she learns that she is being stalked and Nora soon discovers her link to an ancient battle between the heavenly hosts and the fallen. Nora then finds herself in the midst of this battle and Patch is the only one who can save her, or destroy her.
A smart, sexy, and witty novel perfect for teens and adults alike! A top-pick in my eyes and one that will have you eager for the sequel, Crescendo (due to release fall of 2010). This book isn't a featherlight novella and I'm sure that you will be shocked to find that you've read this enticing page-turner cover to cover in a matter of hours!

Rating: 9/10


Anonymous said...

I followed your advice and purchased this book - I must say your review was bang-on!
Thanks for the advice - keep it up.

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